Theme Notebook

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Art Blog

"The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp"  is a oil on canvas art painted by Rembrandt in 1632. This painting shows about what was going on in the Renaissance: studying the human body, and the change in art. First of all, the dissected body shows that this painting is about studying the human body. Specifically, the facial expressions of the people looks interested as if there is a new discovery, and the man wearing the hat is teaching about the anatomy of the arm. Second, on the bottom right corner, there is a open book which is a symbol of knowledge and studying. As a result, the painting tell us that the Renaissance people were interested in studying the world around them. Moreover, the presence of the book shows the increased production of books which it contained scientific information. Most importantly, the painting shows the loss of Church's power. Dissecting is against God's word, but since the people is studying and dissecting freely, it proves that the church had lost power and people were interested in science. In addition, usually the monk produced books, but because the book represents knowledge and information of science, it shows that the monk of the church is no longer in charge of producing books. In other words, the church lost power. The painting also show that change in art was happening in the Renaissance.The skills used to create this painting differs from the middle ages, the art changed by adding more details and painting more realistically. For example, this painting shows shading, facial expressions, and anatomical accuracy. Different facial expressions are shown in the people; interested expression, a "questioning" expression and neutral expression. Also, the dead body has the correct proportions which proves anatomical accuracy. As you can see, "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp" shows that studying the human body and the change in art was happening in the Renaissance.